Children do well in a safe, consistent, positive and calm family environment.
Stress can affect our bodies in all kinds of ways. For example, while occasional stress is typical, too much on-going and frequent stress can release chemicals in the body that aren’t good for physical or mental health. This is not just true for adults. It also applies to teenagers, children, and even babies. An environment with a lot of stress can even change how the brain develops.
Children are able to learn better when they aren’t too stressed, and it’s better for their overall development. We all absorb new information more easily when we’re feeling calm.
Doing things to try to reduce stress at home is good for everyone. Introducing the idea of ‘self-care’ can help your children to understand the importance of looking after yourself as well as caring for others. Learning to manage and regulate our emotions is also a key life skill. Sometimes this takes a lot of practice. We can’t expect to always do things perfectly, nor can we expect perfection from our children.
And it’s also important to remember that sometimes, the right kind of useful stress can help to motivate us to achieve something. It would be unrealistic to try to remove all stress from our lives.
What we as parents can do is introduce some strategies for managing stress and take care of our own physical and mental health as much as possible.
A positive environment helps support children’s emotional and intellectual development. A positive environment is a consistent one, where children and teenagers need not worry about parents acting or reacting in unexpected ways. The rules stay the same from one day to the next, and children know and understand them. When positive parenting is in place, they also understand that consequences and discipline are fair and designed to teach and guide; they feel loved and appreciated as individuals.
Children can start to feel confused if a parent is overly stressed and is inconsistent. For example, if a child is jumping on a bed and a parent does not allow that and is distracted or too busy to stop them, it may be confusing and upsetting for a child if the next day, they do the same thing and get into trouble for it.
Similarly, a parent may be irritable because they’re worried or tired. Then they may get angry over something small such as a spilled drink. They may find it harder to be patient and listen if a child or teenager is taking a long time to say something.
If parents are feeling burnt out and unappreciated, it can also make it more difficult to pay positive attention to children.
Scheduling regular “recharge” moments helps parents provide a more safe, consistent, positive and calm environment.
This can be as simple as finding 15-30 minutes to do something enjoyable for yourself: virtual coffee with a friend, going for a walk, watching a funny video, or dancing to your favorite song.
Try to work as a team with your partner or with other caregivers – not just sharing the load, but also taking time to talk and listen about enjoyable things as well as the necessary details of daily events.
It also helps to reach out to others for help and support if things are getting too much to handle. This is also something children and teenagers can be encouraged to do, and if you model this, they will learn by your example -- it’s normal and healthy to seek support.
This time of year can be stressful, especially if people try to do too much. So, it’s a good time to remember that it’s often more enjoyable to do fewer things, and in a more relaxed way. Rushing around makes it difficult to really appreciate each moment.
Children appreciate simple family traditions just as much as big events if it means you get to spend enjoyable time together; positive parenting can make this possible.
Gift-giving is also something many people are thinking about right now. One way to think about finding some time to take care of yourself is that it’s like a gift to your children, too. When you allow for some self-care in your daily life, it’s easier to be a more patient and positive parent. This, in turn, offers a less stressful environment for your child.
You are also demonstrating to your children and teenagers that balance in life is important, and that taking care of your own physical and mental health is worthwhile. It helps each person’s sense of self-worth to have a balance between caring for others and looking after themselves.
And that’s something that can help family relationships at any time of year!
When you understand more about child development and behavior, you can use positive parenting within your own family. You can do this in a way that will work best for you. It works at any time of year, not just right now.
Positive skills and ideas like these make it easier to cope with change and uncertainty. They also help you feel confident you’re supporting your child. You’re also taking important steps to promote their resilience and emotional wellbeing.
To learn more about child development and how you, as a parent, can use positive parenting skills and strategies to support it, try a Triple P program such as Triple P Online.