Turn challenges
into opportunities

for your teen
and for you

Start your online course

Positive ways to manage everyday challenges

The teenage years come with a host of new challenges for your teen and for you. By learning - and using - positive strategies that really work, you can help your teen find solutions for all kinds of situations. They may be getting older, but you can still influence their behavior!

  • When teenagers get better at cooperating and making good decisions, family life gets a lot better.
  • Teenagers can learn to talk about strong emotions and handle them productively.
  • Teenagers can learn how to manage social pressure and stand their ground.

Triple P can support you with strategies that take some of challenges out of family life, leading to happier, calmer everyday living.

Why do parents love Triple P?

Triple P gives families positive strategies that are proven to work. The program can be adapted to suit any situation. Hundreds of research studies show its effectiveness. And it's totally up to you how to use it.

  • It’s a toolbox, not a rulebook. You get the strategies and knowledge. You choose what tools to use, when, and how.
  • What you do today helps create a better future for your teen.
  • Parents from more than 25 countries have discovered how small changes make a big difference!

See how the course works

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