Triple P hits the headlines in Japan

September 18, 2014 | Triple P News

1 min read

Japanese newspaper Yomiuri Shimbun — said to have the largest readership in the world with a daily circulation of more than 13 million — has covered Triple P founder Professor Matt Sanders’ recent visit to Japan.

The Yomiuri Shimbun article suggests that the Triple P — Positive Parenting Program may be finding high-level support in Japan.

As well as covering Professor Sanders’ address to public health officials, the paper also reported on a meeting between Professor Sanders and the Governor of Wakayama Prefecture, Yoshinobu Nisaka. Governor Nisaka was quoted as saying he would like to actively implement Triple P [in Wakayama].

A growing body of research indicates that Triple P is highly effective in Japan:

  • Triple P was introduced to Japan by a pilot study (Matsumoto, 2007) followed by an efficacy trial (Matsumoto, 2010) which provided support for the effectiveness and cultural acceptability of Triple P in Japanese society.
  • In 2011, Fujiwara et al demonstrated the effectiveness of Group Triple P in reducing conduct problems and hyperactivity.
  • The latest independent study, published in the Journal of Psychological Abnormalities in Children, provides promising evidence that Group Triple P is effective for Japanese families raising preschool and school-aged children with developmental disabilities.

