You choose when, where and how you want to do Triple P to fit your situation.
Create a Positive Foundation, Right From the Start
Becoming a new or expecting parent is an exciting time. But it’s also normal to feel overwhelmed or uncertain. This self-paced course can help. You’ll learn proven strategies to understand your baby's cues, nurture their development, handle challenges like crying and sleep, and build a strong bond as they change and grow. You'll also learn ways to take care of yourself, and align with your partner. Be equipped with the support you need to feel more confident on your parenting journey.
Confidently Handle Everyday Parenting Challenges
Parenting is full of ups and downs. Sometimes it can feel like guesswork when it comes to improving behavior and strengthening your relationship with your child. This self-paced course will empower you with proven strategies to confidently tackle any challenges that come your way, at every age and stage. From dealing with tantrums, building social skills, boosting cooperation, listening, self-regulation, and more. This isn’t a rulebook – it’s a toolkit to help you feel calmer, solve problems before they get bigger and support your child to reach their full potential.
Build Resilience in Children and Help them Manage Anxiety
All kids feel anxious from time to time. But if your child is struggling with frequent worries, extra support can help. This self-paced course helps you to get a better understanding of anxiety and learn evidence-based strategies to help them manage it – safely and gradually. Help them develop their own toolkit of coping skills and become more emotionally resilient. This will not only support your child, but can also make the whole family feel more confident, calm and capable.
Raise Happy, Responsible and Resourceful Teens
Raising tweens and teens can be challenging. This self-paced course can help you positively influence their development and life skills while improving your relationship. You'll learn proven ways to support their emotional and social growth, nurture their potential, boost self-regulation, confidently handle behavior challenges, and more. This toolbox of strategies will help you support them to be more independent, caring and capable, and take their first steps into becoming happy, healthy adults.
Boost Your Positive Parenting Knowledge and Skills
Parenting can feel tricky sometimes, and that’s okay! Triple P’s seminars provide support that can make a positive difference. These informal seminars are designed for groups of parents and caregivers, covering everyday topics such as improving kids’ behavior, boosting their social and emotional skills, and helping them handle challenges. You’ll learn helpful tips and strategies you can use now to bring out the best in your kids, boost your parenting confidence and create a calmer, happier family life.
Boost Your Positive Parenting Knowledge and Skills
Parenting teens can have lots of ups and downs. A little support can make a big difference! These informal seminars are designed for groups of parents and caregivers and cover everyday issues like encouraging responsible behavior, setting boundaries, and navigating new responsibilities – all while building a strong connection. You can also learn ways to help them get the most out of school, build supportive friendships, and more. Get ideas and strategies for confident parenting through the tween and teen years. Feel more prepared for whatever comes your way.
One-on-one Support for Everyday Challenges with Your Child
Do you have a concern about your child’s behavior? Level 3 Individual Triple P offers one-on-one support to help you develop a parenting plan to handle specific issues (e.g., temper tantrums, siblings fighting, going shopping) and develop skills (e.g., eating independently, potty training, staying in bed at night). If you're struggling with a specific challenge, our personalized guidance can positively impact your family life, improve behavior and help prevent problems from developing.
One-on-one Support for Everyday Challenges with Your Teen
Do you have a concern about your teen’s behavior? Level 3 Individual Teen Triple P offers one-on-one support to help you develop a parenting plan to handle specific issues (e.g., rudeness, disrespect) and develop skills (e.g., independent problem solving, dealing with strong emotions, positive communication). If you're struggling with a specific challenge, our personalized guidance can positively impact your family life, improve behavior and help prevent problems from developing.
For Common Challenges of Raising Children
Triple P Discussion Groups provide support in dealing with specific everyday issues like challenging behavior, sibling fighting and aggression, bedtime routines, stress-free shopping with kids, and more. You'll gain practical tips and strategies to use immediately, and for various parenting situations, boosting your confidence and helping to create a calmer, happier family life.
For Common Challenges of Raising Teens
Triple P Discussion Groups help with everyday issues like getting teenagers to cooperate, coping with emotions, helping them learn to stay safe while developing independence, reducing family conflict, solving problems, and more. You'll get practical tips and strategies for specific issues and different situations, which can boost your parenting confidence and help bring out the best in your growing teen.
All the Strategies for Parenting Children
Are you worried about your child’s behavior? Do you want to prevent issues from getting bigger? Or perhaps you just want to feel prepared for whatever might come your way. If you've already tried some ways to help but haven't yet seen the results you want, joining Group Triple P can provide support. Through a series of group and one-on-one sessions, you'll learn all the strategies of positive parenting, how to encourage the behavior you want to see, and create a specific plan that's right for your situation. Get the support you need to boost your parenting skills, confidently deal with challenges and maintain positive changes.
All the Strategies for Parenting Teens
Are you worried about your teen’s behavior? Do you want to prevent issues from getting bigger? Or perhaps you just want to feel prepared for whatever might come your way. If you've tried some ways to help but haven't yet seen results, joining Group Teen Triple P can provide support. Through a series of group and one-on-one sessions, you'll learn all the strategies of positive parenting, how to encourage the behavior you want to see, and create a specific plan that's right for your situation. Get the support you need to boost your parenting skills, confidently deal with challenges and maintain positive changes.
For More Serious Behavior Problems with Children
Level 4 Individual Triple P provides personalized support if you are facing more serious concerns about your child’s behavior. Whether it's challenging behavior, sibling fighting, struggles with bedtime and meals, or any other ongoing behavioral issue that feels serious for your family, we're here to help. After a thorough family assessment, you’ll work with a trained Triple P practitioner to identify underlying causes of issues, set goals, practice specific parenting skills and learn ways to maintain positive changes.
For More Serious Behavior Problems with Teenagers
Level 4 Individual Triple P offers personalized support if you have more serious concerns about your teen's behavior. After a thorough family assessment, you'll work with a trained Triple P practitioner to set your own goals, learn ways to encourage positive behavior, help your teen develop new skills like problem-solving, conflict resolution and self-regulation, and maintain positive changes.
For More Serious Family Problems
This program offers personalized consultations to help families deal with issues such as mood swings and partner conflicts, which are making parenting difficult. To join, parents and caregivers must have completed a Group or Standard Triple P program, where they learn positive parenting and child management skills, and then be referred to this program by their Triple P practitioner or provider.
The program is designed to help parents manage stress and make positive changes in their parenting approach. It also offers guidance on how to maintain these positive changes over time.
Keeping Families Together
Pathways is an intensive intervention program designed for parents who struggle with regulating their emotions and are at risk of harming their children, either physically or emotionally. To join, parents need to have completed a Group or Standard Triple P program, where they learn positive parenting and child management skills, and are then referred to this program by their Triple P practitioner or provider.
The program can be completed in a group or individually and offers support to help parents and caregivers learn new parenting approaches and techniques for managing anger.
Helping Families Through Separation or Divorce
Dealing with separation or divorce can be challenging for both parents and kids. This program helps parents who are feeling stressed or angry, dealing with conflict, and need extra support to handle the changes. It focuses on teaching skills to resolve conflicts with former partners, improve co-parenting, cope more positively with stress and to minimize negative impacts on children.
The occasional tantrum or daily defiance? A course with other parents or a few personal sessions? Choose how much positive parenting you need, and how you do it. Use this selector to find the best Triple P for you.